I was feeling way too bad to see how incredible gullible and innocent i am and i was strike by a punch of lonelines
I been spending time with the wolf guy and hes soo awesome, just look at him makes me soo happy but i feel i bore him as well. Also i finally have the confirmation that he dosnt act all cute and charming with me, he does that to pretty much everyone soo i just saw thing that never existed in first place
I had the feeling it was like that long time ago but being reminded about it was quite painfull
Thats the problem, i am suffering for him and i shouldnt
Its probablly time to leave him behind and not see him again. I know is not his fault either soo i dont know if i should tell him how i feel about it or just let it be
And how can i told him? I need a way to say it softly and in control and preferable indirectly and i dont know how to say it nor wath to do
Once i told a friend i loved him and the consequences where awfull. I am not going to do the same again
I dunno wath i am expecting to post this in here....i am not exactly asking anythign special i just had to write it somewhere....
I just need to man up i guess and concentrate all my efforts in the things that are worth worrying about and stop thinking on men for good