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Last night i was cheecking the profile of certain bara Doctor artist and i was kinda shocked by one of his posts. This Doc artists said he dosnt draw porn because he dosnt feel confortable doing it.

Thats nice until his followers started to comment his posts. They basically wrotte a wall of text saying his art was much more superior than anything else and "LET THEM DRAW PORN, YOU DO TRUE ART, YOUR A TRUE ARTIST"

Maybe i am taking it too seriuslly but i was specially offended by this way of thinking. This where not nuns or saints who where posting. They where gay men.

The Doctor owner of this profile is pretty good at drawing and he keeps copiying Nickie Charles themes on his pictures. The same men Nickie draws, this Doctor draw them too in similar situations and with similar colours but with theyr penis hidden. This told me he respects and admires Nickie a great lot (understandable) soo its pretty shocking to see this people who follows him dont respect Nickie at all by saying hes not an artist.

I was hurt not because of my art, but most likelly because this people said some artists i admire and love are not artists at all but just "porn doers". Well this "porn does" are much more capables and artistic than your beloved "light Nickie clone"

I decided to say wath i tough about the mather on the Doctor profile and i was pretty polite as well since i didnt adressed anyones name on my comment or compared anyone. The result is that the Doctor deleted my post.

I sure sure hope all this people dont have a single scan or image from Takeshi Matsu´s manga or Class Comics scans on theyr hard drive or else the hypocrecy is gonna sky rocket.

But i am sure they have the entire Tom of Finland collection on theyr cell phones...

I am posting here one picture of Mentaiko, an image that this people say "its not art" just to illustrate why this humans angry me soo much.

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