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Hi there! How are we today :3? I hope you wonderfull people are having a great time now x3

In the last weeks i been drawing...a lot.....but a lot for other people, collabs mostly that cannot be posted until the other artist is done with them but finally i have somethign to show!!! Is Fared, as a celebration of the birthday of my dear friend Yelmo in Y! Galleru x3

I had this ready weeks ago but i wasnt able to post it until his birthday was close xDDDD And is sure close now!

I must say i had a lot of fun with this one...i liked a lot the design of this character, way too sexy and cool and i was excited to draw...animal legs...and no bother about legs anatomy!!! Oh how wrong i was D: animal legs needs anatomy as well....but it was still very fun, its the first satyr/faun i ever draw (but not the last deffinetly). And the extra version of course:

I hope he likes it and have fun on his birthday day x3!!!

Well, thats it for now, i already reply all my comments now the art!!! I hope i can come up with new finisedh art as soon as posible! See ya!!


Hi there people!!!!! Here i am again updating after AGES!!!! I feel soo bad for the lack of updates u_u it seems i cant finish an art rescently, i keep adding stuff and changing parts (or the whole pic) over and over again or i cant focus...hu....i stop the rant now xD

Here it is a new pic that was a request. It helped me to focus and experiment a little bit. I didnt think of a title for it too, sorry about it D:

I am soo anxious to finally stalk througth your blogs again x3!!!!!

PD. Also, i rescently did a collab with KAZARIO!!!! If you have the chance go on and take a look at his gallery x3


Oh i dont have any imagination anymore for the title...i am very tired, i am sorry xD

Soo...a new update!!!! Is time to celebrate xDDD

I been working on this for a loong time....and somehow is one of the pics i did many times. I am not a big fan of Kratos but i was asked this as a request long time ago. I triyed to get as close as i could to the request details and yet i changed Kratos position over and over again....i experimented with many face expressions but they didnt looked rigth....the only one that fited him was " >:[ "

Half the way the file was corrupted soo i ahd to start all over again....and also, while hes almost nude, this guy have a lot of chains and details and i HATE drawing chains xDDDD

Uuggghhh the background...and the other characters...i dunno, make me wish i spent more time on it but if i did it, i would end reseting the whole image. Soo, i hope you like it and excuse any mistake or inconsitency D:

I didnt miss the chance to do it a censoring. But theres an uncensored version of course

Uuugg, tehres a lot of stuff i dont like in this picture....gladlly, Kratos is not one of them soo i guess is not that bad xD?

This pic make me find out an answer of a question i always had....why is God of War soo disturbinglly popular? It dosnt have the best story our there, Kratos is fun but is soo plain....theres better action/hack & slash games out there in terms of gameplay soo why GoW produce orgasms to every single gamer in the world?

The asnwer was soo simple, why i never see it D:?????!!!!

Is the sex mini games o-o


Soo...another update? Soo fast!!!!! OMG!!!!!

Dont get too used to it, i had this one done sometime before Kratos!!! I was just keeping it because i didnt want to spam you with PORN D:

Soo, some of you could know this but i rescently been addictied to Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. The game is pretty awesome, have neat graphics and animation, a nice and silly story, loads of weapons, monsters that looks like Go Nagai creation, cool outfits and an amazing battle system

Is deffinetly one of the best action games i ever played D: and very few games show theyr hate for the player like this game: Loads of enemys on screen, the normal enemies can shot projectiles and they can teleport, invencible bosses, very expensive health items....tougth the game was easyer than NG S 1....

Anyway, yesterday i finally reach the number of 12 177 enemies killed!!!! It was hard but now i am done with this game and of course, i HAD to do fan art of Ryu Hayabusa

This beggins totally different...but eventually turned in this straigth forward scene xD

Uggh....the nature looks soo cartoony!!!! And the moon looks weird and theres a lot of inconsitency (like how innacurate looks the falcoon claws)....but i try my best to reproduce Tokyo Sky City feeling, my deffinetly favorite scenario of the game!!!! And Ryu is soo HAWT!!!!! Why you people dont draw him D:? I am soo shocked >_>.....

Battle damage!!!!!! Everything is better with Battle damage, hu :D? I wish Ryu show more skin like the ladys Rachel and Ayane but truth is that his outfit is already pure fanservice o_o And yhea...i have a blood fetish, soo wath >:U?

And Falcoon Claws weapon just because they are the sexyest weapon in a ny videogame >_< i used them a lot

And to finish this i post NGS 2 credits soo you guy can see Ryu Hayabusas sexynes on all his glory and maybe try to draw him too o0o


OK, soo theres two versions of NG 2, the normal one for 360 and the SIGMA one for PS 3. One of the changes for the PS 3 one is the lack of blood o_o (it seems the game works better withou it )!!!!!

Soo since people has been asking for a less bloody version, here is the Sigma view of the same pic xD


Yup....this last days i been playing Tomb Raider Anniversary and it was...brutal.....i dont remember Underworld or Legend be THIS HARD!!!!! One of the most sadic games i ever played but i lived the old school feeling on it

Anyway, i was inspired as well for the game in a different way xD i remember a guy i liked a lot from the very begining (of Anniversary of course), one of Laras rivals, Larson Conway

I loved this guy *0* i just wish he was on the game more time D:!!! All characters in Anniversary only appeare a couple of times also Laron had such sad ending >_< .... he was such a hot and cute guy only doing his job...he even helped Lara escape and didnt kill her when he had the chance, and yet, time later, Lara killed him in such a cruel way >_<....and it wasnt self defence, she killed him for a fuse D:!!!!

First thing i did after that cutscene was throw her from a cliff....

Anyway, excuse the ugly background again, and the size of the Scion xD i didnt planed to give too much time to this anyway

Mmmm...maybe i should do Alistair and Zip porn next?


Hi people!!!!

I am veyr sorry i could not keep with the updates like i was doing. This month has been quite busy since the very begining and also i had the visit of death. A member of my familly is gone now. The sadnes and memories remain but this is just a natural step in life. Gladlly i never see death like something bad but the issues and troubles between the remaining members of my familly remain, ugghhh...

Soo, i dont feel very talkative latelly...i didnt feel too much in porn mode either and Batman Arkham City has been on my desk for 2 weeks without being touched

Tomorrow i will leave my city for a short trip. Some friends and i will be visiting a cold and very small and unknown town. I will be missing my halloween marathon of heach year...i wanted to see soo many movies but i really want to go out of the city x3

Ill be back in two days, back to reply all your wonderfull messages x3 ill be continue living and drawing like i was a few days ago. Time cant stop x3 soo see ya next week <3


...And the first one in an entire month.....wow, how fast o_o its been a month since i didnt draw anything. I been lazy but also not in the mood but i am getting my ass to work slowlly again. I have soo much to draw...uggghhh....i will continue with your requests guys!!! Be patient x)

The first thing i did was of course, my part of the art trade with Branchlaw!!!! Here is his character...he have no name yet but hes nick for now is the Mentor. Hes an alchemist with a giant hammer as weapon and a big fan of cum on all forms x3 and an expert on cuming in big quantitys o_o

Practicing new ways of having fun on his own, triying new toys x3

OK, i hope Branchlaw likes this!!!! And if someone wants to know more about him go ask Branchlaw x3

Well...ill be back shortly i hope :D



Hu.......i dont really know wath to think about it....i am glad they are re-starting the series with new characters, but this is NOT Metal Gear soo...i am not sure if i should feel excited about this game anymore xDDDD

Is like.....cyborg Bayoneta D: with high heels without guns


Soo a few months ago i posted an entry with the name of Blood Vengance....i was soo hyped about the news they where making a full scale movie of Tekken

This time with CG and made by Namco. It was too good to be reality and now the movie is out!!!!

It was hard to get around here but the Tekken Hybrid was an....interesting and odd package xD a movie, a HD remake and a demo....the HD remake of Tekken Tag Torunament is pretty awesome but its soo cute to see hwo simplistic are the graphcis and the gameplay and back then (in 2000) when the game was new, it ws the most amazing thing in the videogames world D:

The best deal in the package of course is the Blood Vengance movie

The movie really made me smile :3 its such an amazing and fun experience. Soo odd, just like the game, and soo exciting at the same time. The power behind it is pretty impresive, the people who worked on RE Regeneration movie, the scriptwriter from Cowboy Beboop and Samurai Champloo, pretty amazing seiyus behind the characters, the action director of Devil May Cry, etc....

The character development is pretty good in the movie, all characters are solid (even the ones are only a camoe, like Lee Chaolan) and they act and talk in the way theyr are supposed to do it! Thats pretty amazing for a movie about a fight game. See Xiaoyu mentions his dream about a big Xiaoyuland or listen her theme from Tekken 3 while she does a combo where a few of the most amazing details

Even the fight styles of each character are perfectlly protrayed

The visuals are soo amazing even in the most boring moments. Just the 3-some fight in the last section of the movie is worth checking it o_o Mokujin was pretty badass xDDDD and i specially liked Ana Williams. I am soo glad they add her to the story

The story dosnt link too much with the Tekken lore. Its mor elike a side story. The new chaarcter Shin Kamiya was...pretty useless xDDDD i think the only part i remember about him is his nude scene on the shower. Xiaoyu is pretty cute and Alisa is...well.....i really hated her on Tekken 6 but after seen her last scene with the rocket punch, i like her a little bit more.

Now is there where the movie falls....isntead of focusing on the main characters of Tekken, the 70% of the movie focus on this sidecharacters - Xiao and Alisa - and they lesbic romance. Lots of soft yuri and romantic scenes starts to pop here and there and school life.....yhea with soo many characters in Tekken....they focused on the two girly teens.....

Alisa and Xiaos excelent adventures are pretty amusing, But i cant see how THAT can represent Tekken on a movie...in certain point, the two girls are tossed aside and the movie continue. The Mishimas finish the conflict, of course, because the girls are just eye witness and dosnt have anything to do with the affairs.

With such amazing visuals and character development, the movie feel kinda wasted with the two main characters....i didnt had too big expectations for it actually, maybe thats why i enjoyed it xD

I really hope they amke a new movie...this time triying to really show Tekken on all his glory and with more characters interacting. Miguel wasnt in the movie but Kazuya and Jin (and Ana) bringed more than enough sexynes to the screen soo better luck next time xDDD

Oh i canot forget either the last section of the movie....all of the sudden, it stops being Tekken and it turns into DEVILMAN!!!!!! I was pretty excited about it but i dont know how other people could feel about it....i really wish they used the classic Devil Jin design



A Diato doing wath diato´s usually do. How original i am xD?

Sorry about the UGLY background...but anyway, i needed something dark to make him stand out a lot more xDDD soo a cave/lab was the only thing i could think about

This picture is for the Sablechan. Not because of Christmas and not because of his birthday, but because he has been a pretty cool and nice guy and his art is too awesome x3!!! I hope he dosnt mind and like this picture tough u_u it was supposed to be a side-project thingy but i ended up giving it a lot of my time and i loved it!

Draw this guy is just...soo amusing!!! His hairs where very difficult but i had a lot of fun doing even that and while i was drawing i felt how his colors where melting away my eyes D:!!!!! I cant shake the feeling he looks kinda...devilish...guess for the red skin? But i tried to stick to his original design as much as i could

Theres soo many questions about him D:!!!! Wath is he? Diato is HIS name or his species? Where can i get a diato D:? How cum taste like blueberry? Hope Mr.Kenny answey this questions in a future x3

Anyway, here is a close up for his eyes just ebcause i really liked it....i spent a lot of time on eyes and usually when i resize the image, the details get lost >_>

And the owner of this guy is in here http://savoryken.blogspot.com (Waths with Bloger messing with the links i post >_< ? )



OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!

They are making a Berserk anime faithfull (for now) to the manga!!!!!! Is going to be a movie and it seems they really have in mind traslate all the sagas into movies/OVAs!!!!

At last an anime with dignity, originality and with a complete lack of school girls/teen-girls in sexual situations

The aniamtion have a lot of CG tough.....but oh well, i really wasnt expecting this.

Now i just need a new anime of Devilman to live happy forever and ever.

Here is the official site http://www.berserkfilm.com/index.php


Hey people!!!!!

First let me say, THANKS to all of you who follow this site, THANKS to all of you who enjoy my artwork and THANKS to all of you who comment my art. Even if you dont comment, THANK YOU for visiting me x3!!!!!!

It seems i open this year with...Tekken...with Miguel, hu xDDDD?

This picture actually have...more than a year, but just a few days ago i decided to pick one of my many Miguel sketches and give it a go. I pick this because it was a back side image soo it was going to be easy

I end up giving it TOO MUCH time to this!!! I was expecting to finish it in one day :( but the chains!!! Those chains!!!! And the LUCHADOR mark and the background (horrible Cartoon Network style background) where quite a challenge.

I dont know if i should post this with no background or shadows, to give a better look tough...wath do you people think?

Yes...a little teasing and i take some liberty with his underwear i know. I wodner waths he thinking? Maybe hes not happy because a ridiculous manequin with a pink wig kick his ass? Or maybe hes falling asleep...


This last days i been replaying a lot the Soul Calibur series with the excitment of SC V coming tomorrow!! I must say, while it seems it dosnt have as many games as other series, the evolution of the series have been quite shocking from the last generation to the corrent one o_o

Sadly, i cant say anything about Soul Blade....i never played that one and is soo expensive already ;_; but it sure had a badass opening xDDDDD

Soul Calibur leave me a little behind at first. I didnt played it in the original release date but i bought it later thanks to someone special obsession with the game xDDDD even with the old graphics, the game works surprisngly good and it have HWANG D:!!!!

Soul Calibur II now thats feel nostalgic...i remember how crazy went people about it (and the first one as well). I get the Gamecube version of the game just because back then i didnt have too many GC games (and i still only have a few >_>) and i had soo much fun playing with my sister and traveling in the Weapons Master mode with Talim xDDD I get all the weapons very fast even if i didnt use them at all

Soul Calibur III had some pretty odd new characters, but i was in awe to see how HUGE and improved was the game. From all the games it had the best story mode, the endings where much better than the retro endigns from 2, it had an obscene number of unlockables, loads of strange game modes, hidden cutscenes, amazing scenarios (the war rage scenario from Mitsurugi is still my fav level form all the games)

It even had Hwang and Rock back xDDDD as well as many many new side characters (like Amy). My only complaign would be how hard was the difficulty :(

Speaking of big jumps, Soul Calibur IV was the most different game from the series xD i was amazed with the graphics and the gameplay was fun but....outside of that....sadly thers nothing

And for some reason, looking at the records, is the Soul game i played the most >_<

Soul Calibur Broken Destiny was for me the lowest point of the Soul series....the graphcis and gameplay are perfect but theres literally NOTHING to do there xDDDDD is like...a mini game or an excuse to play if you feel the urge to play SC IV while your on the street >_>

I am soo excited for SC V but soo...anxious.....and confused as well to see Godzilla with sword and Charlie Chaplin there but no Taki, no Sestsuka, no Yunseong, no Rock....i have the feeling this game is going to be the Tekken 4 of the series. Evene if they add new characters, is just....not the same.....

Also, i am the only one who find anoying those guest characters? I love Ezio much more than any other guest characters xD but i seen people asking if SC V is an open world game or a linear game....it seems they dont even have any idea of wath kind of game is and they are just going to get it for Ezio. I see him in all the promo posters instead of the main characters

I know people who buy the Broken Destiny game JUST to play with Kratos and people who dont play the games just because Link is not in there anymore

The game is still far away of being an off topic random selection of characters, like Street Fighter x Tekken that it transform into Capcom VS Namco now, but i would be glad if the next time Namco dont add guest characters xD and focus on continue the same style Soul Calibur III had >_>.....


I finally played around with the character creation thingy from Soul Calibur V. I have to say, the level of custimization its pretty awesome!!!! Add tattos, paterns, change colors, change size, height, color in the eyes....but i cant seem to find descent clothing >_<

While all the colors and patterns can be changed, the clothing menu is kinda...hard to work xD half the stuff looks generic and boring, the other half looks soo silly. I ant find some good looking shirts...or a vest...not even a good looking coat >_<

I am tempted to leave my characters nude(and not for the eye candy...) or maybe i need to level up to the max to unlock the really awesome items for the game!!!

Here i leave pictures of Alex Gates, who turned out to look quite amazing o_o but the clothes...and also Mizuki Nori, one of his companions (who most of you still dont meet xD)

Once i update this designs or come up with new ones (Jason deffinetly xD), ill post pictures.


Yep, no new artwork yet...the artwork i am curretnly working is hellish literally xDDD soo i need a few more days. But while its ready, i leave some updates for my character creation in Soul Calibus V

First a little update on Mizuki. I didnt want her to look too outdated, but since shes a japanese Oni, a black kimono was the best way to make her looks elegant and faithful to her original design. Soo far Alex Gates didnt change at all (previus post) hes my most fav design x3

Akuma Otoko.....yes, i am soo good for names >_<...this is my second favorite design!!!! I love everythign on this guy and he uses Mitsurugis style soo hes the character i use the most D:

Zero. I did create this guy in SC III, IV and Broken Destiny. He has been always on my Calibur games xDDD

My werewolf character, Jason!!!!! Since its imposible to give him modern clothing i turn him into a roman soldier xDDD

Jack Rider. Just playing around with designs





Aya Brea from Parasite Eve

Melisa Pearce/Eve from Parasite Eve

Jecht from Final Fantasy X

Kilik...the true Kilik...not the mimic character <_<

Rock from the old Soul Calibur games

Even with all this options i feel the game is falling short in term of items...theres soo many items missing from SC IV...i wasnt able to reproduce any of my designs of IV and Broken Destiny o_o

Then again, SC V feels short in more parts than the creation xD


Yey an update!!!!!

How have you been people? Still missing Y!? Y! had some issues with the rules but it was a pretty neat place and i can say i miss it D: I hope Asiandude and the other staff can fix it ;u;!!!!

Well now i am posting an Asura´s Wrath pic. I loved everything about the game since i see the first trailer years ago D: the character design was just....amazing....i wanted to draw those characters long time ago but now i finally did it...i dont know why >_<

Such a challenge... theres soo much going on in this guys xDDD theyr rocky texture, the golden leafes on his arms, the cracking, the marks, the strange looking abs D: at first it was Asura and his 6 arms but i decided to delete the arms and add Augus!

I am not entirelly happy since now i want to see Asura in a more dynamic pose <_< and i dont like the look of the water buuuuttttt i am happy its over D:!!!!! I soo want to draw this characters again x3!!!

And a couple of days ago i buy the game :D!!! Hope i can play it this weekend x3!

Also...as a little side note about Soul Calibur V:

I am sorry, i know i am soo sick u_u .....


Its time for Twilight to fade away into the void of the Barbie direct to DVD movies and such stuff (or soo i wish xDDDD)i was ready to start to HATE vampires as a whole but theres at least some fresh grass on the planes

I sooooooo NNNNEEEDDD to see this movie OMFG!!!!!!!!

Ehem...OK, now to other news. If someone wants to see my new art involving some Final Fantasy, go and visit Dinnosaur´s Prince Kingdom ;D



This was a collab that started like a request...a surprise request about Asuras Wrath, done by Karulox

He did the sketch and i add the colors and he helped me a lot in there!!! Drawing water was pretty difficult >_< but Karu gives me a lot of tips and guided me. Wish i could paint like he does it D: i am not entirelly happy with the water but he was very patient with me xDDD

He can be found in Y! Gallery http://www.y-gallery.net/user/karulox/ and there he have links to all his other sites :D

Gracias Karu por el dibujo *0*!!

And i just get the platinum trophy of Asura´s Wrath! Yay!!! The game have room for improvement but it was pretty awesome and damn fullfilling. Awesome character design (something new games forget...) and a very fresh and unique gameplay.

I dont know how Capcom publish the game tough and yet it have more important series in they basment, locked in the cell (Drakstalkers, Rival Schools) but i hope they stop doing useless RE games and they do more new series like Asura´s Wrath

1/4 of the game comes as DLC tough....and i doubt we get an Asura´s Wrath 2 ;_; but its a pretty special and neat game if you ever wanted to see a fusion of God of War, Dragon Ball and Gurren Lagan :D


...person give such strong feelings of happynes? How a total stranger can give soo much to fantasy and can be soo cruel at the same time to stay burned in the dreams and desires?

Its been a few days and i still cant forget >_<

Anyway, last week we had a pretty strong earthquake that leave many buildings damaged and theres many chances that we have another one in the next 20 days. A stronger one and it seems the city is not going to resist

If i dissapeare all of the sudden then you know why xD
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