I think is time to give some life to this place. I know i promise to not post anything else thats not art related, but this has been relevant for my life like no other thing and i really want to keep this place up as a personal corner for mine.
Some years ago i was at peace with my condition of being alone, i was used to it and i somehow find acceptance with it, i felt confortable but then life give me the most wonderfull gift i could expect: a SHIBE and i am not talking of an actual dog in here but a man who loved me the most. I didnt knew how to get all that love at first but i tough to myself "maybe my happynes is rigth here? Maybe this is once in a life time chance?" soo i decided to give it a try and i found happynes in the happynes on someone else.
A totally new experience to me that i learn to embrace and in exchangue it gives me more memories and events in four 4 years than the ones i experienced in 15 years. Sadly, my secluded way of life i build myself upon me wasnt big enough to contain his gigantic heart soo now i am alone again but extremelly lucky to still have him on my life.
A few days ago i was playing one of the games we used to play together and it felt like it was 2021-2023 again. I know those pandemic years were hellish for a lot of people and many lost everything there, but for me i was actually happy, playing games by night with him at times, chating constantly, going to the theather or eating good food the weekends with him, visiting him to watch anime together or play videogames at night, being able to talk with him about things i dont usually talk with other people.
I remember he telling me "you dont aspire to much more?" and honestly, it was a little difficult for me do it because i was actually happy the way it was tough i always seen us together in my future. And i hate that from happynes....you dont notice it until its over.
He expanded my gamer experience by making me play games i had a lot of fun with and he even bough FF XVI to play it at the same time as me soo we could chat about him. I mean, i remember how much i beg people to get Soul Calibur IV in 2018 and how all my friends didnt give a shit, but he bought, played and finished FF XVI just for me and he was pretty much the only person i could talk about that game. I never meet someone who do that with me and i know i will never meet someone like that ever again, he had the best of the best intentions towards me and his love was soo genuin, i am the luckyest in the world to spent the time i had with him!!
For 35 years Valentine Day means nothing to me until he arrives and now this my first Valentine Day alone again and while i am actually depressed and - maybe worst - very nostalgic about it, my time with him made me feel like my days before he arrives were a waste but i dont want to feel like that anymore, i want to change things up and made him happy again.
Thats part of the reason why didnt upload more art here in the last year, i was busy being happy, but as stupid and ridiculos as it sounds, i still dont give up on art and i want to get in track again little by little, i also want to write storys and i will try to write as much as i can in here because i dont want this palce to feel like a hollow cementery of my past life, like 99% of the blogs i link with.
I will continue talking about him in here because is imposible not to do it since his influence in my life has been great in the last years but i will try to post more instronspection about myself as well and more art i hope!!