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Yep, i said it and i think thats another reason why i dont upload art anymore, because my dislike for the internet is pretty high.

I remember the begining of the century, the childhood of the internet literally, starting up the PC was expecting a lot of fun and excitment, aside of watching low quality videos or listen to music in Winamp or play extremelly primitive games, internet was an amazing gateaway to meet people from the other side of the world. Meeting new people was exciting because the only population on it was the nerds, lonely people eager to make new friends.

We find out elements that joins us, tastes in music, hobbys, movies, we put everything we love in front to be known by others and know others as well. I think is not necesary to say how internet is now, a gateaway to complaign and discuss to strangers, insult them and cancel them, something pretty easy to do but eventually leave us dry of any interest.

And while i meet some amazing people thanks to the internet, i am extremelly happy i had a childhood offline and with no PC at all, completelly focused in real world and those are the happyest memories i have of my entire life. Somehow i feel like i was wiser back then, more focused and with better prioritys.

Backn in the 2000s i remember my mother once told me "are you going to stay in front of the PC all your life saving pictures??", i didnt say anything but i tough "yes, why not?", but now, all the places i used to visit dont exist no more or are completelly empty. Places like DeviantART are shamefull and not usefull anymore while social media like Twitter or Facebook are extremelly censored and dosnt let you write certain words of show certain topics.

Then i was kicked out by Tumblr and later on, NewTumbl.....to be honest, i feel like i have no place on the internet anymore. I got Pixiv for my art but thats quiet a cold place and i have this place as well, wich is completelly empty and lonely soo while i have a place for my art i dont have too much of a palace i can call home in the internet or a place to draw my interest and atention.

Curate our own experience on the internet is trickyer than it sounds, specially in a space full of ADs, AI slops and gramathical limitations. Blusky is a nice iption but still, i dont feel very excited to start over in a brand new place and - oddly enough - seen the same people as always there.

I know it sounds awfull and this whole entry sounds like the complaing of a lonely old man but maybe thats wath i am, and that depress me because i am too young for that!!! I need to surf the internet like i used to and find my own way to a corner i dont feel like i am talking to a wall in a giant empty room but is much trickyer than it sounds.

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